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About the Waitlist and Eligibility

Information about waitlists at Home Forward

Save the Date: Waitlists Opening April 15!

Home Forward will begin accepting applications for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) waitlist and waitlists for 13 Home Forward apartment communities starting Tuesday, April 15 at 9:00 a.m. through Monday, April 21 at 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time).

We will be adding more resources to help you get ready to apply. This will include information about which Home Forward apartment communities’ waitlists are opening, how to pre-register for the application, what you’ll need to apply and how to get help applying. Check back often!

About the Waitlist and Eligibility

What is the Housing Choice Voucher waitlist?

The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program helps people in our community afford rent by covering part of the cost. This program makes it easier for families to find safe and stable housing while allowing them to choose where they want to live.

The HCV program gives rent assistance in the form of a voucher to households on the waitlist. Home Forward will randomly select up to 3,000 new applicants for the waitlist through a lottery. Vouchers are given out over time in the order people joined the waitlist. Before receiving a voucher, households must go through another check to make sure they qualify. Once they get a voucher, they can use it wherever they choose to live in Multnomah County.

What is the Property-based Waitlist?

A property-based waitlist is for rent assistance that is tied to a specific Home Forward community instead of an individual. To get this support, you must live at that property. These vouchers cannot be moved to another place. Home Forward will accept applications for 13 property-based waitlists. You can apply for one or more of these waitlists.

Home Forward will randomly pick enough applicants to fill spots for the next three years, based on the number of people waiting, how often units become available, and other factors. Individuals are selected off the waitlist as units become vacant. Once chosen, they must pass an eligibility screening.

Occupancy Standards

For property based waitlist your household size will need to meet occupancy standards to be consider for specific bedroom sizes.

Occupancy Standards for Property Based Waitlists.

Am I Eligible?

Anyone can apply, but you must still qualify if your name is selected for an HCV or a vacancy opens up. If you think you might qualify, go ahead and apply! To qualify:

Income Guidelines


Household Size

Max Yearly Income

Max Monthly Income

























* These figures will likely change around the time the application opens.

How Do I Apply?

Always provide true, complete, and accurate information on your application forms.

For all Home Forward programs, we verify eligibility, which could include income calculation, reference checks, and background screening. In the Housing Choice Voucher program, private landlords will also conduct their own screenings.

Home Forward does not influence the screening and eligibility requirements for private landlords. Screening and eligibility criteria at properties managed by Home Forward, where Home Forward is the landlord, may vary significantly from private landlords.

Approved Medical Priority

Waitlists for Housing Choice Voucher and apartment communities are always open for anyone who has been diagnosed with a terminal illness and life expectancy of less than 12 months. They will be served with priority after completing Priority Verification Due to Health form with a medical provider.

The waitlist for ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) accessible apartments at communities managed by Home Forward are available for people who require those apartment features, after completing Priority Verification ADA form with a medical provider.

Some Home Forward housing communities are reserved for seniors and people with disabilities and may also have apartments with physical accommodations for accessibility.

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