Development Pipeline
Home Forward is a public corporation with the ability to function like a private real estate developer.
New Developments & Renovations
Hattie Redmond Apartments
Hattie Redmond Apartments Completed in 2023, the Hattie Redmond Apartments provides 60 units of Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) in the Kenton neighborhood for people exiting homelessness. Located in the historic
Grace Peck Terrace Renovation Project
Grace Peck Terrace Renovation Project This project preserves 95 units of affordable housing in Portland’s Irvington Neighborhood. Grace Peck Terrace was built in 1980. In recent years, its exterior envelope
Fairfield Apartments
Fairfield Apartments This four-story brick building was originally constructed in 1911 and consisted of single resident occupancy (SRO) units for individuals with very low incomes. Home Forward preserved and renovated
PCC Killingsworth Housing Site
PCC Killingsworth Housing Site Home Forward is developing a new 84-unit project in the Cully neighborhood of Northeast Portland. Through a collaboration with Portland Community College (PCC), the new project
Troutdale Site
Troutdale Site As of November 2023, work is underway to design 85 affordable apartments at a site provided by Multnomah County in the historic old town area of Troutdale, adjacent to
Peaceful Villa
Peaceful Villa Home Forward plans to redevelop Peaceful Villa in 2024. This decision affects the 70 households who currently call Peaceful Villa home, and those who will move into the newly
Hazel Ying Lee Apartments
Hazel Ying Lee Apartments Hazel Ying Lee Apartments is a family-focused apartment community in the Creston- Kenilworth neighborhood, where area residents are increasingly at risk of displacement from rising
Fountain Place
Fountain Place After successful relocation of residents prior to the COVID-19 closures, work began in March 2020 to undertake seismic structural improvements and renovation of existing apartments. Apartments will remain
Dekum Court
Dekum Court Supported by Metro’s Regional Affordable Housing BondPlans for 187 new affordable rental homes in NE Portland are underway! With funding from Metro’s Affordable Housing Bond, Oregon Housing and